Advances in Polar Science Vol.5 No.1 1994

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Antarctic Research. Vol. 5, No. 1, 44~51, June 1994

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Author: Yu Suhua, Zheng Honghan, Chen Xiaobo, Ma Shulan, Ma Jianguo and Fang Hong

CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)


Abstract:  This paper is mainly to treat the change regularity of the contents, distributions, enrich coefficients and correlative coefficients of some trace and constant elements in the sediments of Late Quaternary rock core from Yanwo Lake in the Great Wall Station area, King George Island and to discuss the sedimentary sources in Yanwo Lake and the periodical changes of Late Quaternary climate and the environment in the area. It is concluded that the clastic sedimentary rocks, including volcanic sedimentary rocks, around Yanwo Lake are the major sources of Yanwo Lake sediments, the mantle material is also one of its sources and what is more, the continent-sourced materials are transported by the Antarctic glacier. 

Keywords: elemental geochemistry, lacustrine deposits of Late Quaternary, Yanwo Lake, King George Island
