Advances in Polar Science Vol.5No.1 1994

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Antarctic Research. Vol. 5, No. 1, 34~43, June 1994

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Author: Sun Jiabing and Gan Xinzheng

CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)

Abstract:  Ice and snow dominate the land features in Antarctica. The great brightness and poor contrast of ice and snow and streaking noise in satellite image make the procedure of image processing difficult. On the other hand however, the contrast between bare rock land/sea water and ice/snow is so high that the details of image will be over-compressed. In the light of characteristics of satellite image in Antarctica, a filtering to remove streaking noise has been discussed. Based on automatic identify classification to enhance the details of objects and the method and theory of digital rectification of satellite image with ground control points measured from field survey are also presented. 

Keywords: satellite image, streaking noise, direction filtering, image recognition, image enhancement, digital rectification, digital mapping
