Advances in Polar Science Vol.33 No.2 2022

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Vol. 33, No. 2, 192~198, June 2022

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Author: TANG Yao

DOI: 10.13679/j.advps.2022.0003

CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)

Abstract: International Polar Years, which have been held four times, have greatly promoted human understanding of the polar regions. The development of the International Polar Years has the following features: increasing interdisciplinary trend; importance of international organizations in initiating and participating in projects; and science diplomacy playing an important role in promoting cooperation and resolving differences. China was highly involved in the fourth International Polar Year in 2007–08, and the PANDA project which as a China-led international project marked a gradual shift in China’s polar activities. China could play a bigger role in the fifth International Polar Year, including the following: initiating a new International Polar Year; initiating more international projects;  promoting international organizations; actively conducting science diplomacy; and publicizing its polar activities in different ways.

Keywords: International Polar Year, International Geophysical Year, Antarctic Treaty, China
