Advances in Polar Science Vol.33 No.2 2022

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2022

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CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)

Opinion Editorial
The older ice, the better science.............................................................................................121
HOU Shugui
The evaluation of biological productivity by triple isotope composition of oxygen trapped in ice-core bubbles and dissolved in ocean: a review .............123
ZHOU Yaqian, PANG Hongxi, HU Huanting, YANG Guang & HOU Shugui
Numerical simulation of the dynamic effects of grounding icebergs on summer circulation in Prydz Bay, Antarctica ..................135
HAN Yuxin, SHI Jiuxin, HOU Saisai & XIAO Changhao
Comparison of ship-based CTD measurement of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Amundsen Sea based on World Ocean Database.............145
HE Hailun & WU Shouchang
Inventory of unintentional POPs emission from anthropogenic sources in Antarctica.............156
Bacterial community diversity of meltwater runoff and soil in Midre Lovénbreen glacier in Ny-Ålesund, Arctic ..............167
LIN Lidong, WANG Nengfei, HAN Wenbing, ZHANG Botao, ZANG Jiaye, LI Qinxin, QIN Yiling, WANG Long, ZHANG Fang & LIU Jie
Community structure of mesopelagic fauna and the length-weight relationships of three common fishes in the Cosmonaut Sea, Southern Ocean ...................181
WANG Yehui, LIU Chunlin, DUAN Mi, ZHANG Chi, YE Zhenjiang, LIU Yang, TIAN Yongjun & HE Jianfeng
Development of the International Polar Years and their benefits for China.............................192
One special issue will be published in September 2023......................................................... 199
“Opinion Editorial” category attracts more attention................................................................ 200
Cover picture: The Dome A ice core drilling camp with the background of the Chinese Kunlun Station (paper by Hou, page 121; photo by AN Chunlei)
