Advances in Polar Science Vol.3 No.1 1992

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Antarctic Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 50~59, June 1992

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Author: Cheng Xianhao, Xia Weiping and Zhang Haisheng

CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)

Abstract: Remobilization and accumulation mechanisms of iodine in marine sediments, which are divided into several geochemical environment, are studied. The result shows that iodine is characteristically rich in organic fraction of the sediments on the bottom of bay and pelagic sediments. However, it may be associated with oxyhyroxide and adsorptive phase in a higher percentage at the continental shelf and hemipelagic sediments. The environmental characteristics of immobilization of iodine in surficial sediments are similar to that of iron, that is, it is demobilized on anoxic conditions and converted into solid phases when it is in oxic environments, though the iodine does not act as the ectron acceptor.  (to read more please go to the download link)
