Advances in Polar Science Vol.3 No.1 1992

Publication: Advances in Polar Science (APS). Antarctic Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 31~39, June 1992

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Author: Yang Hefu, Andrew R Mctaggart, Andrew Davidson and Harry Burton

CNARC member: Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC)

Abstract: Water samples were collected over P. pouchetii bloom period beginning in November 1985, in 15m water column, fro 10km offshore of Davis Station, Vestfold Hill, Antarctica. The concentrations of acrylic acid and dimethyl sulphide (DMS), which are toxic compounds in the water samples, were determined by HPLC and GC. The result shows that the concentration of acrylic acid varies in 0.001-0.510 μmol  · L-1 and the concentration of DMS in 0.003-0.588  μmol · L-1 during P. pouchetii bloom. Both the increased since late December 1988 and reached the highest concentration in early January 1989, then they decreased rapidly and returned to lower level from middle January to February in agreement with variation in cell number of the unicell alga P. pouchetii. (to read more please go to the download link)

Key words: Antarctica, acrylic acid, DMS, productivity, P. pouchetii.
